Chloe Aridjis

Chloe Aridjis headshot


The New Man

5.7 / 6 votes

UK Cinema Release Date

Friday 18th November 2016
The New Man poster
Contains infrequent very strong language. Suitable for 15 years and over.
Current Status:released

Next Showing:

None. Last shown in UK cinemas on 27th March 2017.
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Official Site:


Comedy, Documentary, Drama




1 hour 15 minutes (approx.)

Movie Synopsis:

A creative documentary about becoming a parent... and how to reconceive yourself. Fiction director Josh Appignanesi turns the camera on himself and his wife as they undergo the ordeal of becoming parents in the era of man-children and assisted reproduction. Faced with fatherhood, Josh spirals comically into an envious career funk. But life-threatening complications emerge- the couple are tested to the brink, confronting shattering losses. It's a portrait of our generation going through a revolution in reproduction- forced to find new ways to think about ourselves as creative beings. We hear from Slavoj Zizek, John Berger, Darian Leader and Zadie Smith. Universal yet still taboo, it's a film for everyone who has children, wants them, or still feels like a child themselves.

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UK Cinema Release Date

Wednesday 3rd October 2018
Female Human Animal poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed.
Current Status:released

Next Showing:

None. Last shown in UK cinemas on 4th December 2018.
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Directed by:


Documentary, Mystery, Romance, Thriller




1 hour 14 minutes (approx.)

Movie Synopsis:

Shot in the real-life contemporary art world, Female Human Animal is a psychothriller about a creative woman disenchanted with what modern life - and modern men - have to offer her. When writer Chloe Aridjis curates the Tate retrospective of the surrealist Leonora Carrington, an elusive, brooding man appears, seeming to offer more. Enabled by the artworks' defiant mystery, Chloe pursues him. But as she descends into a world of obsession, is she hunter or hunted? A darkly romantic enactment of a woman going beyond societal norms, it puts on screen the lurid unconscious of our new sexual politics.

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Last update was at 10:52 1st June 2024